Written by Edward Gross. Originally published in 2000, Superman vs. Terminator was a four-issue miniseries written by Alan Grant that brought the Man of Steel together with.... well, the man of steel. What follows is an interview with the writer which was conducted back in the day.
Initially it sounded a lot like a fanboy's idea of a wet dream: take comic icon Superman and pit him in battle against moviedom's reigning cybernetic killing machine, the Terminator. It's a high-concept idea that really shouldn't work, but does remarkably well in the DC/Dark Horse four-issue miniseries, SUPERMAN VS. TERMINATOR [originally published back in 2000]. Hey, we're not alone in our first impression. Series writer Alan Grant pretty much felt the same way when he was approached about turning the concept into a script.
that it worked out really well.
Issue number one of the miniseries begins with Sarah and John Connor arriving in Metropolis, followed shortly thereafter by a number of Terminators whose goal is to kill them.
'It was established in the previous Terminator [comic] series that Sarah and John Connor are avoiding the Terminators by traveling under different names,' Grant explains. 'Obviously she has to take jobs for them to be able to live, but they're constantly moving around America. The bus just brought them to Metropolis. Unfortunately for them, and I guess this is one of those time loop paradoxes which, if you start to think about it will cause your head to ache, the Terminators discover they're there because Sarah is injured and has to give her real name and social security number for medical treatment. The Terminators are able to retrieve that from the records and travel back in time to get her.'
'What I wanted to do,' he says, 'was show the pain which Superman has felt. This is something about the character that isn't always brought out. His own world was destroyed; everyone on it was killed, everyone near to him even though he was a baby when it happened and now he's grown up and is an adult son of the earth. If you use the idea frequently in the comics, it can get flogged to death and people get sick of it. Because of that, it tends to be hardly mentioned at all, and that, of course, is when you do bring it to the readers' attention and it has a double impact, just because they weren't expecting it. When Superman is first brought to the future and sees firsthand exactly what the Terminators have done -- there's something like six billion dead people -- and it's a real blow to his heart to realize that his adopted race is being wiped out. It makes him determined to do what he can to stop it. Because he no longer has the power to travel through time like he used to [in the comics] when I was a kid, it becomes harder for him to do so. Fortunately, the Terminators have time displacement machines. Lucky for Superman; otherwise, he would have disappeared and not come back. I don't think DC would appreciate that although it would be fun to see that issue of WIZARD that says DC is canceling Superman because he's stuck in the future.'
'Steel actually works very well in to the story,' says Grant. 'When Superman is caught in a time displacement wave, which is actually meant to bring a Terminator back to the future, he is transported into the hideous time period where the resistance thinks he's a Terminator. He arrives naked, by the way. He meets up with Steel, and for Steel this solves a mystery because it was 1999, thirty years in the past, when Superman disappeared. Because Superman hasn't come back yet, nobody in the past knows what happened to him. Steel has lived through the Terminator revolution and he is now fighting with the resistance, so it's like two old buddies meeting up after 30 years, and I play that for some emotion as well. It all fits in there very well, with this whole compassionate, emotional side of Superman's nature. He's happy to be teaming up with an old friend, and he's absolutely devastated over all the people who have been slaughtered. He can't go back in time to change it, so all he can do is try to defeat the Terminators and stop them from taking over entirely. Basically the story is Superman, Steel and John Connor's resistance against a planet full of Terminators. A lot of metal gets messed with.'
'In one of the previous Terminator stories I wrote, called 'Death Valley', there was a Terminator who started to gain a glimmer of what we would call self-consciousness; it started to question what it was doing and why. It was questioning its programming, which is when people start to develop a rational mind. Instead of doing something automatically, they think about it. I think that would have worked well in the SUPERMAN/TERMINATOR story, but it was unfortunate that I had written half a dozen issues on that subject and I had to steer clear of that completely. The licensees who own Terminator don't want their Terminators to gain self-consciousness, anyway. They want Skynet, which is the operating system for all electronics and computers in the future, to remain supreme rather than have one of their Terminators break through the consciousness and join the resistance. Of course, they'll be looking for another miniseries in three to six months, and it's a perfect idea because it deals with something that's never come up before. That's what I like to look for, and that's what appealed to me about SUPERMAN/TERMINATOR.'
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Posted by: True Religion Jeans | July 14, 2012 at 02:02 AM