Over at Aintitcool.com, Quint posted a report on possible casting for Justice League, beginning with a run-down of the members of Young Hollywood who have reportedly been auditioning for roles in the film, the names of which have sent waves of terror across the Internet with fears of a team more in common with the Teen Titans than the JL.
“I’ve since spoken with a source buried deep in the production who shed some light on this casting session,” offered Quint. “This source said that all those people above (and many more) were only reading for two characters: The Flash and Wonder Woman. The source assured me that the casting is skewing very young and only for The Flash, because he’s the youngest member of the Justice League. And Wonder Woman is a goddess that doesn’t age, so it’s understandable she’d be cast young.
Cinematical reports that Shannyn Sossamon (whose credits include A Knight’s Tale and One Missed Call) auditioned for director George Miller. “Details are scarce,” the website offered, “but we know the following: Sossamon did audition for Princess Di and she apparently blew away the writing team of Kieran and Michele Mulroney and has heard back from them since. According to our source, the Mulroneys were so taken with Sossamon that they championed her to director Miller, even going so far as to state that they envisioned Sossamon in the Amazonian role all along. But now comes the bad news… our source also tells us that Miller was less than over the moon about Sossamon’s audition, which means that a resulting stalemate will almost certainly break in his favor.”
On the subject of casting, Voices From Krypton received an email from Countingdown poster infamous_emiljayne, who offers, “Today something came in that made me go back to my emails. I got a call that aintitcool is reporting that only the parts of Flash and Wonder Woman were ready for at the auditions. Now, what struck me about this in all the craziness a few days ago, I was told by three people that nobody read for the big three because they were already cast. After reading what AICN had to say, I responded to those emails and they all got back to me pretty quickly, saying they had it mixed up and that what they thought of as the “Big Three” was actually Batman, Superman and Green Lantern. Now, here’s where I have a bit of an issue. These people are the same ones that even in their most recent responses claim Tom Welling will be revealed as Superman. They say Gough and Noveck are both stalling and covering up so WB can make their grand announcement of the entire cast. They haven’t been wrong with anything yet. So, if they’re right about the auditions, are they right about Welling, too? That’s the million dollar question. This is just my personal opinion here, but I think too many things leaked out creating a need for more excuses and cover ups than WB could keep track of. Either way, it’s gonna come back to bite them. If a third person takes the role [of Superman], WB looks really bad. If Welling takes the role, Gough and Noveck look bad. Unless of course they try and say something happened at the very last minute and use the excuse of things constantly changing in Hollywood. Regardless, if this turns out to be Teen Titans in disguise, everyone will look bad.
“As more things come out that are legit,” continued infamous, “I’m seeing more and more connections to those who have always stood their ground saying Gough is lying. And re-reading your interview today, I still got the impression Noveck was giving an opinion on Welling. So did a few others I showed it to. There’s just so much false stuff around even I don’t know what to think.” While on this page (www.voicesfromkrypton.com) DC’s Gregory Noveck has sung the praises of the Justice League screenplay, a report earlier this week from moviehole.net claimed to have gotten their hands on the first 14 pages of the film’s script and the subsequent report was not encouraging. In a nutshell, instead of focusing on the OMACs and a mind-controlled Superman, it introduced the Crime Syndicate, an evil parallel world version of the League from the comics. All in all, the approach felt like a live-action episode of Super Friends, and had the cumulative effect of being fairly groan-inspiring. But then Robert Sanchez and iesb.net and several others seems to have turned out the fact that those 14 pages were a fake. Collective sigh of relief, right? Wrong. Apparently. At least based on a report from Stephanie Sanchez at iesb, changes are indeed being made in the script, particularly after Chris Nolan told the site that he was concerned Justice League not step on his creative toes and what he’s doing with the Batman franchise.
“So,” mused Sanchez, “is this the beginning of those changes?” She then quoted from emails they’d received on the subject: “Confirmed. It’s real. Maxwell Lord is the main villain. OMACs are part of the plan. Crime Syndicate is a diversion to keep the JLA busy while the OMACs take control.” Come To which Sanchez asked, “does this mean it’s the final draft, let’s go shoot it? Hell no. I am sure there are many rewrites to come and script changes aplenty. (At least, God help us, there will be some changes. Did you all read the details? Unsettling)