Jessica Biel has auditioned for the part of Wonder Woman in Justice League, and gut instinct says that she is exactly the kind of actress the producers would go for – though as a complete sidenote, that possibility raises into question director George Miller’s desire for an older cast. Which, in turn, bring up that whole Tom Welling question again [see previous posts].
“I think the challenge is to get beyond the idea of ‘action movie’ and create a character in a movie that’s a real person, not just an action person who’s tough,” Biel said in reference to her role in the third Blade film, though on some level she could have been talking about Wonder Woman. “I want to go past the genre. It’s what I felt about Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I wanted to do something that people will look at and not just go, ‘Oh, it’s a horror movie, it’s nothing.’ It was the most difficult creative challenge of my life, and it was a horror movie. And nobody really gives the credit to a horror movie It’s so difficult.” Warner Bros. will not comment on whether or not Biel auditioned until it's ready to announce the film's entire cast.